
Operator of the Website

The operator of is Danube LKW-Store Kft. (registered office: 1107 Budapest, Fertő utca 8., tax number: 13915272-2-42, company registration number: 01-09-304509, email address:, represented by Péter János Zsámbók, managing director), registered at the Commercial Court of the Budapest General Court, chamber of commerce and industry of Budapest.



The trademarks, logos and other materials displayed on the Website are protected by copyright. They may not be used, copied, distributed or published by any third party in any way or for any purpose without the express prior written consent of the owner. You may not create a link to any other website from the Website without prior written consent. Unlawful use of registered trademarks and copyrighted works may result in legal action.



The Operator shall not be liable for any damage, loss or expense arising from the use of the Website or from its unavailability at any time, for any reason and for any period. Nor shall it be liable for any changes in the data due to unauthorised persons, delayed transmission of information, computer viruses, line or system failure. The Operator reserves the right to modify the contents of the Website and to remove their availability. Furthermore, the Operator shall not be liable for any material created, transmitted or published by third parties which is linked or referred to the Website.


Data of the hosting provider

Company name: Rackforest Zrt.

Registered office: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo street 11. 5. B05001

Tax number: 32056842-2-41

Company registration number: 01-10-142004

E-mail address: